Tuesday, April 8, 2008

No handmaidens please

Finally, someone has given me a good explanation why new internationally educated nurse graduates can't apply here right away.

The reasons, he said, are complicated, but he did share this:

Nurses in other countries (especially the Philippines) are still being taught to be the doctor's handmaidens. In other words, the nurse assesses, carries out doctor's orders, and most importantly does not question the doctor except to clarify orders. It's just not done that way.

Here, nurses wield more power - it's common for doctors to ask nurses what to do, and the nurse is empowered to not only question but even disagree with the doctor.

Before you disagree with me, hear me out: I know that in theory, all nurses can refuse to carry out orders. Yes we were taught that in school as well.

Therefore, I conclude that one big problem facing new IEN grads is assertiveness. I do understand the reasoning why employers want to hire more experienced nurses, since they are more assertive.

(I don't understand why new Canadian nursing grads would be readily hired, unless for some reason all Canadian nursing grads possess that assertiveness as well. Is it a cultural or educational difference?)

As always, comments welcome.

1 comment:

john bryan said...

I agree with that! That is absolutely true. Even i myself i feel that way. Well, maybe that is something we should develop... Thanks Pierre for the info!